I believe paying attention is a radical act of love. 

Words and visuals are strong affirmations and every story deserves telling. I use my camera to capture your story and reflect it back to you. In its chaos, beauty and intangible sacredness. I want you to feel truly seen, cherished and celebrated. Toddler tantrums and all.

It goes so fast, let's make art out of your love.

I enjoy photographing nature, architectural spaces and families at all different stages. I love the whole process- brainstorming, planning, art direction, collaboration. Sessions are in your home, out in nature, or a combination of both. Together we'll create a laid back experience with lots of room to breathe, play and soak in the moment. 

We dream and visualize together & the rest is light and a little bit of luck. 

I graduated with a BA in Design Management & have worked professionally as a photographer since the year 2010. I'm also a 200 hr Registered Yoga Teacher and licensed Realtor. I'm also trained as a full spectrum doula. I use the variety of work experience to intersect my passions and create a holistic experience. 

When I'm not making photos- I'm usually trail running, swimming, dancing, climbing, surfing, reading a book about psychology or eating lots of plant-based food with my guy. I'm most at peace while stargazing or basking in the sunset.  

I operate under the notion that everything is here for us to learn, heal and grow. Join me!

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